Week 4 Recap

I apologize my fellow Armchairsmen for the complete lack of weekly recaps. I really have been slacking so far this year, and it is more because of laziness on my part than to what Jack suggests. Funny that he does mention the business venture known as The A-List. Despite the promotion by both our former high school and Brian Salzer on Facebook, myself and Andy both are no longer a part of Matt Norris's organization. In fact, we both haven't been a part of it for a couple of months now, but I don't want to bore you with the details of such things.

Anyways, back to the most pressing matters, the on-goings of our league. As usual, Mr. Johnston sits atop a division, and also almost has as many moves as the Tom Kocon division as a whole. Speaking of good ole TK, my brother Ben has the pleasure of playing for him this year. The team has been highly successful this year with only three losses, including a 30-1 drubbing of Cooper. I highly doubt this has something to do with both Coach Kocon and Mr. Brenk's coaching abilities, even though Kocon still has a great curveball. He has yet to make anyone run around fences, and it doesn't sound like he has someone like Tony Schuler on the team this year. Ah, those were the days...

Surprisingly, Tony Mac is still in the mix, but as Jack has said, it still is quite early. We'll see what happens once we hit Memorial Day. Drunk Hot Girl Scout's manager must still be inebriated from Mifflin, because his team has not exactly performed well so far. Other than those shots, I don't have too much to say about the results of the league so far. Although, there are some things I would like to address from previous posts:

1. Money
I'm fine with everyone giving money to Joe, but I do know that in the past money is never collected because no one ever sees everyone. This is even harder once the season starts because less and less people are willing to pay. I just thought LeagueSafe would be an easy way, but apparently not everyone is ready for that yet. So in that case, everyone needs to get their ten dollars to Joe ASAP so we have that money already.

2. Relegation
Love the idea Jack. I actually think this is something that actual leagues should consider as well. Just think, do you think the Timberwolves would keep tanking if it meant being relegated to the D-League? Even David Kahn isn't that crazy. As far as instituting it in our league, I think this is a great way to get more people involved in the league. The only problems I see with it would be finding people that most of us know that would be interested and maintaining interest if you were in the lower league. This concept is obviously for the diehards and while I do think we have some in this league, I don't think we can say that about everyone.

3. Fines
I do understand that a dollar might be steep and that people may forget once in a while, but when you think about it, wouldn't you be spending the money on bringing something to the football draft anyways? Also, if it is only on one certain day that this fine can be instituted, then wouldn't that be easier to manage. Say if we do it on Monday mornings, that gives you plenty of time to check your lineup. After all, most of us manage this well enough that I don't think it would effect us that much. Maybe I will keep track this year just to see how this proposed fine would impact the league. I also think this is a much more viable thing for fantasy football (with bye weeks) so maybe I will take up the cause again this fall.

4. Your formulas
I do applaud the countless hours you have put into them Jack, but I feel like no one actually understands how they work, so it doesn't create a whole lot of chatter. Is there a way you can fix that, I don't know, but that's just my opinion. One thing I think would be cool to look at is the whole spot starter concept - is it worth it to continue to stream the Brandon Morrows of the baseball world, or does it hurt rate stats like ERA and WHIP too much. That would be interesting to see how a study like that would play out. Keep up the good work.

Well I think that is enough for all of you to chew on for now, but I hope to address and bring up more ideas and issues in future weeks, including switching our draft format to an auction- scary I know, but it might be more fun than you think.

Oly's Rankings
1. Sexual Napalm
2. Joe's Torn Ligament
3. Enter Sandman
4. Make it Rain
5.Maewyn Succat
6. Winston Wolfe
7. The Master Baker
8. La Furia Roja
9. Dmitri Petrovich
10. Drunk Hot Girl Scout

Da Commish's Hot Clicks of the Week
I don't know how I couldn't start out with what happened at the Phillies game last night. Makes me never want to storm a court or field ever.

Fear the Deer! Literally

Our Armchair Fantasy Girl Blake Lively makes an appearance at a gala in the NYC

Don't know how many Notre Dame fans we have in our league, but this is comedy at its highest level.

This is probably a little late, but since I haven't done a post in a while, here's Merton  the Chat Roulette guy.

And last but not least the Song of the Day, let's go a little country with Craig Morgan's  This Ain't Nothing

Until next week fellas, good luck to everyone with their finals


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